A Short Example

This will walk you through creating and running a basic suite of Alarmageddon validations.

Alarmageddon has two main components: validations and publishers. Validations are the tests that will be run, and publishers handle passing the results of those validations along to an external system (eg, PagerDuty).

Creating Validations

To make sure that the world’s search engines are working, let’s use HttpValidation:

from alarmageddon.validations.http import HttpValidation

validations = []

These validations are constructed to GET the supplied url. We’ve also set up our expectations about the results of GETting the url - in this case, we expect the status code to be 200. This is the basic structure of Alarmageddon’s validations: a validation takes some action and compares the results to the supplied expectations.

Creating Publishers

Of course, if no one knows a validation has failed, it isn’t particularly useful. To have Alarmageddon report on failures, we must supply it with at least one publisher:

from alarmageddon.publishing.hipchat import HipChatPublisher

publishers = []
hipchat_endpoint = ""
hipchat_token = "token"
environment = "stable"
room = "hipchat_room"
publishers.append(HipChatPublisher(hipchat_endpoint, hipchat_token, environment, room))

This publisher will report failures to hipchat. Note that this example won’t work - you’ll need to supply a valid endpoint and token!

Running Alarmageddon

Given a set of validations and a set of publishers, we can run Alarmageddon:

import alarmageddon


This will run the validations. If any failures occur, a message will be passed along to the designated HipChat room. In this case, the resulting message might look something like:

1 failure(s) in stable: (failed) GET http://www.google.com Description: expected status code: 200, actual status code: 504 (Gateway Time-out)

Full Code

Here’s the full source of this example:

import alarmageddon
from alarmageddon.validations.http import HttpValidation
from alarmageddon.publishing.hipchat import HipChatPublisher

validations = []

publishers = []
hipchat_endpoint = ""
hipchat_token = "token"
environment = "stable"
room = "hipchat_room"
publishers.append(HipChatPublisher(hipchat_endpoint, hipchat_token, environment, room))
